

Belong to a good group of warm-hearted people who are in service to humanity.


The Ganda Foundation is a registered UK charity number: 1158040

           Membership in the Ganda Foundation:

• Puts you in the heart of our activities
• Brings you close to the Pearl of Africa, Uganda
• Gets you involved in all our Foundation projects

• Enables you to share the skills and interests you have with an enthusiastic community

We meet regularly in the UK and Uganda for music celebrations, viewing our new films from the field involving our members activities.

Our members enjoy the expertise of the Ganda Foundation volunteers in preparing for their journey to Uganda’s rural communities.

                 We arrange for visas, and VIP access to the country, if required.

                  We have a energised group of volunteers in Uganda who are a joy to work with.

Our members meet high government officials at their request and at the discretion and availability of the required officials.

One of our present members has previously met the President of the country:

All in the interests of creating empowered and sustainable communities in Uganda.

Our members tap into the expertise for best tourism tips and guides through our extensive network in the country.

(good discounts are available on request, depending on the season)…

Our members access internal business consultations on Fair Trade models that help lift communities out of poverty.

Our members give seminars in the areas of their professional skills.

We have previously held seminars in:

• Education
• Health
• Arts

• Business/investment

Our members get the privilege of experiencing and learning the local culture through our warm relationships with the kingdoms and chiefdoms that make up Uganda.

Your membership subscription will help us deliver services to different programmes that the Foundation runs, namely:

• Medical equipment for hospitals and local dispensaries

• Maintenance for all donated and installed medical equipment

shipment of donated materials from the United Kingdom and other part of the world

• Installation of school ICT laboratories and community ICT

• Organising and making arrangements for seminars conducted by our members

      (set-up, venue hire, teaching materials and transportation for students)

• Facilitation for community projects like ‘One Meal A Day” for primary school students
• Young women’s development and empowerment
• Sanitation towels and information packs to keep young girls in school

• Awareness of child sacrifice and FGM

Members can choose to donate separately to our grand projects that can be downloaded by PDF from our Projects Page.

Platinum Membership: £50 pcm
Gold Membership: £25 pcm
Silver Membership: £15 pcm

Available: (undisclosed) Any amount pcm

Standing order set-up initiates membership, and the Ganda Foundation will send you an information pack.

• Name and Address: Ganda Foundation, HSBC Bank, Stroud, Gloucestershire

• Bank Details: Account Number: 41535374, Sort code: 40-43-21

For any further queries: